The changed and the unchanged: How Bayerischer Rundfunk has adapted to the digital age

Our guided tour of Bayerischer Rundfunk (shortened to BR) started from the history gallery in the BR building, a long grey, silent and dimly lit gallery with the history of BR printed on the walls. 2021, 1991, 1971, 1949, 1945, 1934, 1929…. As we walked along the gallery, the time on the walls kept going Read More

Creativity’s positive impact on humans – more important now than ever?

In a time of 5 seconds tik tok-clips, influencers and hours of screen time, lots of people seem to experience increasing stress levels and mental health issues because of social media. In the 2016 published book Depress Anxiety- Association between Social Media Use and Depression among U.S. Young Adults, study shows that social media use Read More

How did they do it before?

Three months here and dozens of Instagram stories, hundreds of Snapchats sent, FaceTime calls galore, Whatsapp groups for anything and everything… I don’t think you can say that my semester would have been the same without social media. But at the same time, since it became a huge part of our lives, nothing is the Read More