The changed and the unchanged: How Bayerischer Rundfunk has adapted to the digital age

Our guided tour of Bayerischer Rundfunk (shortened to BR) started from the history gallery in the BR building, a long grey, silent and dimly lit gallery with the history of BR printed on the walls. 2021, 1991, 1971, 1949, 1945, 1934, 1929…. As we walked along the gallery, the time on the walls kept going Read More

Starting a career in the media industry: interview at Mediaschool Bayern

In a recent interview conducted in the Media school of Bayern, Andre Wengenroth informed us about the tools given to students, preparing them for a professional future in media. He shed light on the opportunities provided by the school’s partnerships and networking, as well as the practical experience developed by students. Andre Wengenroth giving us Read More

The importance of responsible journalism – Interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg

8th January 2024 – Group interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg In this interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg, a distinguished science journalist and LMU lecturer, we delve into the intricacies of conveying complex scientific topics to the public together with the other emerging trends in journalism. Dr. Auffenberg shares her insights on the challenges and responsibilities Read More

Hopefully Czech press won’t rest on its laurels

Free access to information is one of democracy’s principles as well as plurality of opinions and freedom of speech. Reporters Without Borders published the annual World Press Freedom Index, this time for 2023. Let’s have a look at the result for the Czech Republic and its context. So how is Czechia doing? At first sight Read More

Climate is changing. Why aren’t why?

Global warming, endangering of species, air pollution, plastic use, ocean contamination, natural disasters, drought… We are constantly bombarded with detailed articles, scientific papers, worrying news and heart-wrenching images of the consequences of climate change worldwide. It has become a rather uncomfortable habit finding such an alarming number of articles on climate change in the media, Read More