Living a dream

Everyone has one or even more dreams that wants to make come true. I’m living mine, but I have to start from the beginning. Hi readers, I’m Greta, I’m 20 and I’m from Italy. The Latins used to say “omen nomen” when someone has a name that reflects his/her characteristics or passions. I think that Read More

This is not a goodbye, it is a Thank you!

6 months. It has been 6 months since the first article on this blog, and in 6 months many things have happened. But what is even more surprising is that they have passed as quick as a flash. In the first article I remember I wrote about my expectations in Munich, and specifically what I Read More

This is me, Andreea

A bit about myself Hi! My name is Andreea, I’m 20 years old and I’m half Romanian and half Italian. Originally I was born in Romania and then I moved to Italy at the age of 5 with my parents. That was a though decision but at the same time if I my family would Read More

To leave, or not to leave, that is the question!

Choosing to apply for an exchange semester is not an obvious or easy choice, and it is not always only rainbows and butterflies: I have discussed it with two former Erasmus students and friends, Chiara and Francesca, to gain a double perspective on this experience. Read More